Saturday, October 3, 2009

Show Me...

*blu tee graphic 2*
her favorite color...more blu. actually my favorite color is yellow. blu however, is still the man!

Friday, October 2, 2009

40 Ounces of Love

*love 40 graphic* intoxicating.  40 ounces of inebriating HavPlenty.  For-The-Win 

dont'chu love it when the soundtrack is just as good as the movie...i do.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Below the Heavens

*blu tee graphic*
the concept for the blu tee came from me wanting to tattoo narrow path lyrics to my ribs...i opted for the tee instead.

i keep blu's lyrics in my heart like scriptures...

below the heavens is by far the best collection of words, thoughts and music i've heard in a long while. i listen to it often.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

and we're blogging.

so i've got a blog now.  and everybody DOES NOT need a blog...but i've got one. ah huh make it hot.